Devos Group
Devos Group realizes that it has a social responsibility towards people and their environment. We aspire to nothing less than an energy-neutral operation. For example, the first solar panels were installed a long time ago on top of the buildings of our head office in Bekkevoort. Almost fifteen years later, we have more than ten thousand solar panels, including our new branch in Zepperen. The amount of green energy we generate in this way could supply as many as 786 families for a full year. In concrete terms, a total capacity of 2.750.000 kWh ensures that all our cooling systems can be operated based on this setup and more than one million kilograms less CO₂ is released into the athmosphere. Heat is also collected from the same cold stores, both in short and long term, which is then used to heat all our work spaces.
Packaging is and remains a hot topic. In both plastic and cardboard, Devos Group strives to work as sustainably as possible and to limit its ecological footprint to an absolute minimum. Thanks to our various box folding machines, we ensure that for ten trucks with finished boxes, only one truck has to drive with non-folded boxes.
Devos Group is progressive in waste processing. All parts of our company focus on the correct sorting and processing of various materials. Additionally, the fruit that cannot be consumed goes to biomass powerplants that can subsequently generate green energy.
Our area of approximately three hundred hectares is maintained and cultivated with the utmost care for nature. In addition to the tightly regulated spraying schedules that our teams in the plantations have to adhere to, there is still massive use of natural resources such as bees, grasses, wild flowers and pollination.
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